The Fog City

Let me just say we never saw clear skies and sunny days here in St. John’s, NL. We arrived in St. John’s on Thursday missing a piece of our luggage, an important piece, ALL of our clothes and toiletries. Luckily (for Jon) all of his show gear arrived. We had a carry-on, but it contained all of Jon’s show clothes. Everyone was very positive that the bag would show up that night. To our dismay, it never showed up. We are sitting in St. John’s airport right now ready to go home. Talk about being depressed. I had no makeup this entire weekend and it was my birthday! How dare Air Canada ruin my birthday!

The worst part of this trip: calling Air Canada every day and hearing some guy say, “I’m sorry for your inconvenience, Ms. Burns” OVER and OVER and OVER again. You can stuff your sorry’s in a sack, mister! I am done with you!

Now, let’s just say I’m not the only one depressed here. Jon was supposed to have 12 shows over the three days of the festival. He had two AND they had to be held indoors because of the miserable rain, wind, and cold temperatures. “I’m sorry for your inconvenience, Mr. Burns.”

I’d also like Air Canada to know that Jon and I are not XL’s, but thanks for the fabulous night shirts. “I’m sorry for your inconvenience, Ms. Burns.”

The only good thing about this trip was probably the food. We had hot turkey and hot roast beef sandwiches at Velma’s Restaurant, ate banana pancakes and cinnamon citrus french toast at Blue on Water, and enjoyed a caprese salad and a calzone for my birthday dinner at Piatto.

Not exactly what I was expecting for my birthday, but at least I’m with the one I love. 🙂

PS – If you see me in the same pieces of clothing in every picture, that’s because that’s all I had…”I’m sorry for your inconvenience, Ms. Burns.” 😉

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